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An outline of one year’s worth of regular sessions, finishing with a sharing of work.
An agenda template for a 2 hour board meeting.
Why we run regular discussions about practice with our artists, and how you could do the same.
A register template to track attendance during sessions.
A form template to share with parents/guardians in order to hold medication for a young person.
That we’ve learnt along the way.
A list of the key basic documents, policies and procedures you’ll need when setting up a Youth Theatre.
A budget and summary sheet template for projects.
For reference, Company Three’s Safeguarding Policy.
A document template to keep track of lighting, sound and technical elements for a play.
A template you can download and adapt, for a 2 hours to full day creative workshop with young people.
A template for two information packs, to share with parents/guardians and young people.
For reference, Company Three’s short code of conduct, which we share with anyone we work with.
An outline of Company Three’s annual lifecycle of activity, with context and explanation.
A form template to share with young people at the start of the term or project.
A form template to plan a trip with a group of young people.
A document we share with freelancers and partners, outlining our process around the Social GRACES.
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