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#BlackIs films and Affinity Group Blueprint


Young people everywhere should be able to creatively explore their identity. It is crucial that spaces to do that are joyful, safe and uncensored.

One way we do this at Company Three is through our Affinity Groups; spaces where young people can come together with other young people and artists who share that identity.

We’re sharing two short films - #BlackIs Boy’s Archive and #BlackIs I love yours and I love mine - that were created by members of one of our affinity groups, Black Is Safe (BiS). Alongside this, we’re sharing a resource pack so that youth theatres and club everywhere can set up their own Affinity Groups.


Making identity-led work with teenagers.

Free online session with our Artistic Director Nuna Sandy.

Tuesday 28 January, 13:00-14:00 on Zoom.

Join our Artistic Director Nuna Sandy to learn about Affinity Groups at Company Three: spaces for young people to come together with artists who share an identity, and to creatively explore that together.

Nuna will share Company Three’s journey and approach to this work, and some tips for setting up your own Affinity Groups and making work about identity, led by the teenagers involved.

This is a free session, but we only have 20 spaces available as we would like to create a space with a range of perspectives.

Please apply by filling in the form below. The first part asks about you and why you'd like to come to the session and must be filled in. The second part asks you for some demographic information and is optional, but will help us to curate a space which has a range of perspectives. It should only take about five minutes to fill in.

We will be in touch by Mon 27 Jan 14:00 at the latest to let you know if you have been given a space.

If you have any questions about the form or the session, get in touch with Gabi at