Be part of the 2024 Youth Theatre Census

Youth Theatres, young companies and youth drama projects in England - it’s time to put yourself on the map! Fill in the 2024 Youth Theatre Census to become part of the biggest ever database of English youth theatres - and a chance to win £100 for your group. 

The Census is a unique chance to map the often disconnected and under-resourced youth theatre sector, so that we can better connect, share resources, celebrate our success and advocate for our future. Imagine how much power we’ll have if we can demonstrate how many people are involved in youth theatre - and how much impact it has.

The Census has been commissioned by a group of Arts Council National Portfolio Organisations -  20 Stories High, Burnley Youth Theatre, Company Three, Mortal Fools, Prime Theatre, Theatre Factory and Zest - who are working together to share practice and improve youth theatre’s standing. It has been supported by Arts Council England, created by Ruth Stevenson of Ruthless Research, and distributed in partnership with Get Into Theatre, National Association of Youth Theatres, NODA (National Operatic and Dramatic Association), National Youth Theatre, National Theatre Connections and Nick Hern Books.

The Census is open to any group that engages young people aged 5-25 as participants on a non-professional basis in theatre - whether it’s training, making shows, or workshops. It includes small, independent and voluntary groups and big organisations - including those that are connected to professional theatres.

The Census closes on 17 July. Filling it in will take around 20-30 minutes and you will need to have some key information to hand: contact details, participation figures, staffing levels, sources of income, turnover, and freelance rates of pay (it’s fine if you do not have some of these figures).

All groups who participate in the census will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win £100 for their young people to spend on their group. 

Gabi Spiro